Eye Screening
Amblyopia screening a child for any signs of wandering eye;
poor depth perception or possible vision problems.
poor depth perception or possible vision problems.
Cabin Spruce-Up
Lions clean up their cabin at Camp Marcella to prepare for accommodating both blind and visually impaired children
Memorial Day Parade
2023 Peace Poster Winners
PEACE POSTERS: For over 3 decades, Lions clubs have been
sponsoring a special art contest to give children the chance to express their visions of peace. 2023 Theme: "Lead with Compassion" Our 2023 Peace Poster Winners were two students from the Glen Meadow Middle School in Vernon, NJ. Lion's Members John & Miriam McCarthy were joined by the Principal, Vice Principal, Art Teachers and students from the Art Class, to honor the winners. |
The West Milford Lions Club, in cooperation with the West Milford Presbyterian Church held a Coat Drive for local area residents in need of winter coats, gloves and scarves
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk with the Wayne Lions Club
Lions Barbara, Mike, Lou and Suzanne promoting JDRF on the AC Boardwalk